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Showing posts from September, 2017

What is the difference between USB-C and USB 3.1?

A new confrontation has plunged all the geeks into an internal struggle. USB 3.1 (the "All Life improved") or the USB-C, which of the two is better? The USB-C is not new, but it has jumped to the fore thanks to the new MacBook of 12 "that Apple launched only a few months ago, that surprised own and strangers by integrating a multifunction Ășnicopuerto. Apple says for comfort and aesthetics though, why not say it, seems to have been thinking about selling additional adapters. Android m: More battery, less threats and USB-C However, there are many rumors that have emerged around this multifunctional USB type C that are not entirely true. It is true that this connector allows more functionality than the traditional, but it is not Superman, after all it is a simple connector, without denying that it is a step forward above the standard USB. USB 3.1 This type of connector is the logical evolution of the USB that we have always known. Several USB-standard u...